Evergreen article: secrets of successful writing and promotion

In today's world, content plays an important role in marketing and brand promotion. Articles are one of the main tools for attracting audience attention and increasing website traffic. However, in order for an article to become evergreen and continue to attract readers for a long time, it is necessary to follow certain rules and secrets of successful article writing and promotion. In this article, we will share the key secrets of a successful evergreen article.

1. Research and planning

Before you start writing an article, you need to do some research and planning. Determine who you want to interest with your article and what information they expect to receive. Conduct research on your target audience to understand their needs and interests.

It is also important to research competitors and analyze what articles already exist on the topic. This will help you offer something new and original that will make your article stand out from the rest.

Planning is also an integral part of the paper writing process. Divide your article into subsections and create an outline that will allow you to develop the topic of your article in a coherent and structured manner.

Here An example of a Wikipedia article detailing the main steps in writing articles and planning tips.

2. Heading and subheadings

The headline is the first thing your audience will see. It should be informative, attractive and bright. A good headline should grab attention and make the reader interested in the content of the article.

Subheadings play an important role in organizing an article and making it more readable. They allow the reader to quickly scan the article and find the information they need. Subheadings also make planning and writing an article easier since you already know what each section will contain.

In the article “Which content is best to choose for site monetization: useful tips and insights” we will look at the details and tips for choosing content for site monetization.

3. Unique and valuable content

It is necessary to create unique and valuable content that provides the reader with something new and useful. Avoid passive retelling of information from other sources and try to add your own perspective and expert opinion.

For example, in the article “6 life hacks about technologies in web development” we will discuss the main life hacks that will help a developer in his daily work.

It is also important to consider the needs of your audience and provide information that will be interesting and useful to them. Analyze competitors and their articles, and make your article better and more meaningful.

4. Structure and formatting

The structure of the article should be logical and consistent. Use subheadings, lists, and paragraphs to make your article more readable. Remember that people tend to scan text to find the information they need, so make your article more accessible and understandable.

Use various HTML tags to highlight important phrases and words. For example, use tags or to highlight keywords or phrases.

It is also important to consider search engine optimization. Include keywords in the headings, subheadings and body of the article. However, don't overuse keywords to avoid keyword saturation and trouble with search engine algorithms.

5. Graphics and multimedia

Using graphics and multimedia can make your article more attractive and interesting. Insert pictures, videos, and graphs that illustrate your topic and help you better understand the information.

Use image captions and attribution to ensure proper sourcing and respect for content authors.

6. Support for external and internal links

External and internal links are essential for a successful evergreen article. External links help make your article more credible and authoritative because you are linking to external sources and expert opinion.

Internal linking will help connect your article to other content on your site and improve the user experience. They will also help increase traffic to other pages on your site.

In this article we have already used internal link to the article “Which content is best to choose for site monetization: useful tips and insights” And internal link to the article “6 life hacks about technologies in web development”.

7. Update and promotion

Just creating an article is not enough. It is necessary to constantly update and promote your article to ensure that it remains relevant and attractive to visitors.

Monitoring and analyzing the results of your article will help you determine what works and what doesn't. It will also allow you to make changes and improve your article over time.

Promoting your article through social media, email blasts, and other channels will also help drive more traffic to your article and increase its popularity.


Writing and promoting an evergreen article is not an easy task, but it can be done. By following the secrets of success, you can create an article that will attract the attention of your target audience and remain relevant for a long time.

Research and planning, unique and valuable content, structure and formatting, graphics and multimedia, support for external and internal links, updating and promotion - all of these components are key to a successful evergreen article.

Apply these secrets to your work and your article will continue to attract readers and effectively serve your purposes.


About Александр К.

My name is Alexander Krikun. I founded in 2014 a company that develops and sells ready-made websites, as well as providing services related to CMS Wordpress and SEO promotion. I have been working with Wordpress for more than 10 years and have been doing SEO promotion for more than 5 years. I am currently working on this site as well.

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