How to make money on your website: passive income online

Nowadays, creating and developing your own website has become accessible to anyone. But, in addition to personal interests and hobbies, the site can become a source of passive income. In this article we will tell you how to make money on your website and create a stable passive income online.

1. Advertising on the site

One of the most popular ways to make money on the site is advertising. You can independently connect advertising networks, such as Google AdSense or Yandex.Direct, to your website and receive payment for clicks or impressions of banners and text ads. However, to earn a significant amount of passive income, your website must have high traffic and an active audience.

Example: If you have a travel-themed website and get around 100,000 unique visitors per month, you can earn between $500 and $2000 per month by advertising on your site.

2. Sale of goods and services

If you have your own business or are a professional in a certain field, then the site can become a platform for selling your products or services. For example, you could create an online store or offer consulting and training in your area of expertise. This requires more participation and attention, but can bring good profits.

Example: If you offer paid programming consultations and manage to find 10 clients per month, each of whom pays you $100 per consultation, then your monthly profit will be $1000.

3. Physical and digital goods

If you don't want to deal with selling your own products or services, you can become an affiliate or affiliate marketer and sell other companies' physical or digital products on your site. You will receive a commission on every sale made through your site.

Example: If you have a cooking website and are an affiliate of a cooking store, then you can earn 10% on the value of every purchase made through your website. If the monthly sales amount is $5000, then your income will be $500 per month.

4. Paid subscriptions and content

If you create unique and useful content, you can offer a paid subscription to access it. For example, you can create a specialized blog or online course and only offer access to paid users. Make sure your content is truly valuable and unique so that people are willing to pay for it.

Example: Let's say you create a photography blog and post unique articles and video tutorials every week. You can offer a monthly subscription to your blog for $10 per month. If you have 1000 subscribers, your monthly income will be $10,000.

5. Blog and Affiliate Marketing

If you have a blog that gets good traffic, you can use it for affiliate marketing. This means that you will promote other companies' products or services on your blog and receive a commission on each sale. Be careful to only advertise products that match the interests and needs of your audience.

Example: If your blog is about beauty and health, you can partner with an online store that sells cosmetics and vitamins. If you have 5000 regular visitors per month and 10% of them make purchases through your referral link and you earn 10% in commission, your monthly income will be around $500.

How to choose a platform for a website

Creating a successful website starts with choosing the right platform. Your choice of platform will depend on your goals, web development skills, and functionality requirements. Here are some popular platforms for creating websites:

  • WordPress: The most popular platform for creating websites. WordPress has a large number of templates and plugins, which makes it very flexible and scalable.
  • Wix: An easy-to-use website builder that allows you to create beautiful and functional websites without the need for programming knowledge.
  • Shopify: Platform for creating online stores. Convenient product, order and payment management system.
  • Joomla: A powerful website creation platform with advanced capabilities for creating large and complex websites.

Each platform has its own benefits and features, so it's important to do your research and determine your needs before choosing. If you need to create a simple blog, then WordPress or Wix are excellent choices. If you are planning to create a complex online store, then Shopify or Joomla will be more suitable.

Example: Here article, which tells in detail about choosing a platform for creating a website.

How to choose a ready-made website for your business

The ability to buy a ready-made website for your business can significantly reduce the time and costs of its development and launch. However, before purchasing a ready-made website, you need to consider several important factors:

  1. Subject of the site: Make sure the finished website matches your business theme and goals. You shouldn't buy a website that has nothing to do with your business.
  2. Design and functionality: Evaluate the design and functionality of the finished website. It should be attractive to your target audience and have the necessary features for your business.
  3. SEO optimization: Check how well the finished website is optimized for search engines. Good SEO optimization will help your website get good traffic quickly.

If you want to find out more detailed information about choosing a ready-made website for your business, we recommend reading article about this theme.


Creating and developing your website can be not only an interesting activity, but also a source of stable passive income. Advertising on your site, selling products and services, affiliate marketing and other ways to earn money can help you earn additional income or even turn your site into your main source of income. Based on your interests and skills, choose the right website creation platform or purchase a ready-made website to make the most of your resources and time. Take the first step towards creating your passive income today!


About Александр К.

My name is Alexander Krikun. I founded in 2014 a company that develops and sells ready-made websites, as well as providing services related to CMS Wordpress and SEO promotion. I have been working with Wordpress for more than 10 years and have been doing SEO promotion for more than 5 years. I am currently working on this site as well.

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