How to import a product to a Woocommerce website and how much it can handle maximum

To successfully create and manage an online store using the Woocommerce platform, it is important to have complete control over the products you sell. One way to make this process easier is to import products into your Woocommerce site. In this guide, we'll look at how to import products into your Woocommerce site and cover the maximum volume of products the platform can handle.

Preparing data for import

Before you start importing, you will need to correctly prepare product data. Here are some important steps to follow:

  • Create a CSV or Excel file containing your product data. Make sure you include the following attributes: product name, description, price, availability, category and product image.
  • Make sure the CSV or Excel file has the correct structure and format. Separators must be set correctly and each item must be presented on a separate line.
  • Check for correct information, such as correct category names, product images, and correct punctuation.

Once your data is ready, you can move on to importing products into your Woocommerce site.

Using the built-in product import tool

Woocommerce offers a built-in product import tool that can be used to upload your CSV or Excel file. Here's how to do it:

  1. Login to the admin panel of your Woocommerce site.
  2. Go to the “Products” section and select “Import”.
  3. Click on the “Select File” button and select your CSV or Excel file with product data.
  4. Check the appropriate settings such as column separator, date format, and adding new products.
  5. Click on the “Upload File” button and wait until the import process is completed.

Once the import is complete, your products will be added to your Woocommerce site. You can check the result by going to the “Products” section and viewing a list of all imported products.

Maximum number of products in Woocommerce

Woocommerce is a powerful platform for managing an online store and it is capable of handling a large number of products. However, the maximum volume of goods can be influenced by several factors, such as:

  • Hosting and Server Resources: Your hosting should have sufficient resources to handle and store a large number of products. If your online store has thousands or even millions of products, you may need to choose a more powerful hosting service.
  • Database: Woocommerce uses a database to store product information. If your database is not configured optimally or your hosting limits the size of the database, this may have an impact on the maximum number of products you can have on your site.
  • Site Performance: A large number of products can affect the performance of your site. If you have a lot of products, this can slow down page loading and search. You need to make sure that your site is optimized and has the necessary resources to handle a large volume of products.

Please note that the maximum number of products in Woocommerce is not limited programmatically, and it depends on your server resources and the performance of your site. You should also take into account that a large number of products can affect the performance and speed of your online store.


Importing products into your Woocommerce site can greatly simplify the process of managing your online store. By preparing data for import and using the built-in import tool, you will be able to add a large number of products to your Woocommerce site. However, when dealing with a large volume of products, you must ensure that your hosting and server resources can handle it and your site remains productive and fast.

Importing products to a Woocommerce website can be done using special scripts and plugins. Take advantage of ready-made solutions to save your time and simplify the process.

If you have not yet created your online store based on Woocommerce, we recommend checking out the following reviews to get more detailed information:

Now you know how to import products into a Woocommerce site and how many products the platform can handle. Have fun creating and managing your online store!


About Александр К.

My name is Alexander Krikun. I founded in 2014 a company that develops and sells ready-made websites, as well as providing services related to CMS Wordpress and SEO promotion. I have been working with Wordpress for more than 10 years and have been doing SEO promotion for more than 5 years. I am currently working on this site as well.

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